I’m a Ninja Sheep

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” ~ Matthew 10:16

I’m a ninja sheep and I can’t deny it

I live among wolves, my Jesus warned me so

As shrewd as a snake, He advised me to be

But as sweet as a dove, so that I can do His will

All geared up and ready, for a tough fight

God gave me Karate-Bible skills, so that I can defeat the enemy

I am not a dumb sheep, but a very smart and witty one

Don’t mess with this Ninja Sheep

You mess with me, you mess with my homies (Jesus, God the Father and Holy Spirit)!


~ Ninja Sheep. Credit to my senior pastor Ricky Temple. You can watch the sermon titled under: ‘How to Manage a Difficult Outcome.’ at  http://www.tcotw.org/.




“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. Remember the wonders He has done, His miracles, and the judgments He pronounced, O descendants of Israel His servant, O sons of Jacob, His chosen ones. He is the Lord our God; His judgments are in all the earth. He remembers His covenant forever, the word He commanded, for a thousand generations. ~Chronicles 16:11-15

I lay my head to sleep at night and I’m at peace,

The future is unknown to me, and I’m relieved


I could choose to live in great misery,

But my Father in Heaven has much more for me


Trials and tribulations, I could choose to hold on to,

But my heart is full of gratitude; I’ve chosen not to


Peace with God is what my heart desires,

I’m like a burning star, full of fire for my Savior


Only in God is my soul at rest,

Oh God, conform this girl’s heart, to what You see is best



~Picture is not mine.


I stood with God on the edge of the world,

and my hand was in His hand.

I looked down the road of the past,

as it stretched away in the dim distance,

till it was shrouded in the mists of time.

And I knew it had no beginning,

and a little chill wind of fear blew about my head.

God asked, “Are you afraid?”

And I said, “Yes, because I cannot understand how there

can be no beginning.”

So God said, “Let us turn and face the other way.”

And I looked into glory,

and my heart rejoiced with joy unspeakable.

And then my mind went ahead, a billion, billion years,

and I knew there would be no end,

and again that little chill wind of fear began to blow.

And God asked me again, “Are you afraid?”

And I answered, “A little, because I cannot

understand how there can be no end.”

So God asked me tenderly,

“Are you afraid now, today, with your hand in Mine?”

And I looked up at Him and smiled and replied,

“O my Father, No!”

And God said,

“Every day in eternity will be today.”

— Martha Snell Nicholson

That is the God we serve. Everyday is today with God. God has no past, no future. He doesn’t have a future. God sees the future as today. So, whatever happens in your life, please rest in the knowledge that God is holding your hands right now, today, tomorrow and forever. I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday, but most importantly, please reflect on why you are alive today and what is your calling in life? What are you thankful for?


I Love You

Lord, you breath life into my soul

You didn’t force me to love You, You gave me a choice

Overwhelmed I am at times, because of Your great love for me

Fortunate I am, that you loved me first

You gave me hope when I felt fainted

You gave me desires when I felt empty

You filled my cup when it ran dry

You picked me up when I was tired

You loved me first, when all I did was hated everything

You are magical in my eyes, and in every way

You are beautiful in me eyes alone

Deeper you looked within me, and saw my soul

Your wisdom is above every creature alive, it blows me away

Lord, no one is like You, and I love You

His Perspective

~picture is not mine.

Feeling insignificant today? Feeling sorry for yourself? Feeling you can’t make it another day? Or, do you just want to give up and quit altogether? Well, before you dwell on these lies, read the verses below. Renew your mind and start over.  Renew your mind with God’s truth and trash all the lies that Satan is throwing at you. Satan has no authority over your life. He’s a liar by nature and hates you with all his might.

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.

~Psalm 139:13-18

My Strong Champion

~picture is not mine


God’s my strong champion;

I flick off my enemies like flies.

Far better to take refuge in God

than trust in people;

Far better to take refuge in God

than trust in celebrities

~Psalm 118: 7-9

A very powerful verse for a weakling like me at the moment. This is the moment in my life where I just have to let go and give it to God. Everything is out of my control. I can’t fix it on my own… I hope this verse will inspire everyone that reads this post.

